In addition to the four pools mentioned above, will new pools be added?
What kind of Sparks will Trident collide with, or what special breakthroughs will be made when combined?
How is Sushi going to catch the eye of traditional money and make people who don’t understand cryptocurrencies happy to use them?
请问Sushi Trident会被聚合器比如Matcha、1inch收录吗?
Will sushi Trident be included by aggregators such as matcha and 1inch?
What is the meaning of the trident? Does it mean that sushi will develop from three aspects in the future? If yes, what are the three aspects
- Security: How much time and work are paid to the security test? Does the code of Trident has been audited? Which company did the audit? How does Trident avoid Flash loan or any bug-abusing attack?
- Growth: How to compete with the existing player to attract users? What’s your core difference or advantage compared with other AMM players?
- Community:How will you build your community?
我想问一下这次的 Sushi Trident 的主要应用都是那些,还有就是为了社区更好的发展,Sushi有没有考虑研发自己独立的公链。
I would like to ask the main applications of Sushi Trident this time, and there is a better development of the community, and Sushi has considered R & D to independent communes.
Could you briefly describe Sushi’s development strategy, and your differentiation strategy to continue to solid and expand the market ratio in DEX market. Thanks.
请问新一代 AMM Trident 是什么
What is the next generation AMM Trident?
Is sushi prepared for the bear market? If a bear market comes, what measures will the team take to survive the long bear market?
Sushi Trident的主要意义是什么? 能给旷工带来什么收益? 相比于上一代更多的优化在哪里?
What is the main meaning of Sushi Trident? What are the benefits to the absentee workers? What is more optimized compared to the previous generation ?
最近游戏板块越来越热,我想知道Sushi Trident是否也有此计划?
The game has become hotter and hot recently. I wonder if Sushi Trident also has this plan.
sushi三叉戟是否可以使拥有sushi代币多的人更大的权益? 对sushi以后的发展怎么样?
Does sushi trident allow for greater equity for those who have more sushi tokens? What about the future development of sushi?
Now the decentralized AMM ordinary gas fee is more expensive, and in the bull market is even more expensive. These transaction fees are nothing for the giant whales, but they are very unfriendly to the average user. Does Sushi have a better solution to this problem?
What are the special advantages of sushi compared with other peers?In addition to continuing to cultivate their own territory, what are you prepared for the drastic changes in the future?
sushi三叉戟对于sushi项目以后有什么重大作用? sushi未来会把代币于nft结合吗?
What is the major role of sushi trident for sushi project in the future? Will sushi combine tokens with nft in the future?
Sushi Trident确实是一个好的想法。里面如果创建了多个池子,会不使流动资金过少,从而使滑点变大,而且会使Sushi货币价格更容易受到影响呢?
Sushi Trident is indeed a good idea. Wouldn’t multiple pools created inside make too little liquidity, thus making slippage larger, and would make Sushi currency prices more susceptible?
Sushi Trident 是如何做到高效的?同时能减低交易手续费用?
How is Sushi Trident efficient? At the same time, it can reduce transaction fees?