寿司现在在一步一步的变的强大 但是这个三叉戟模式会给我们带来哪些比较实在的用处,会给挖矿者带来更高的收益吗?
Sushi is now getting stronger step by step But what are the more tangible uses this Trident model will bring us, and will it bring higher returns to the diggers?
As we all know,Sushi and Uniswap are the most commonly used DEX, so I want to know what’s the similarities and differences between Sushi Trident and Uniswap V3? What’s the advantage compare to the Uniswap V3?
看到介绍说:Sushi 正在开发一个低矿工费的版本,这是否意味着sushi正式布局L2赛道了??Seeing the introduction that Sushi is developing a version with low miner fees, does this mean that sushi is officially laying out the L2 circuit?
Does Trident have other functions besides stabilizing the pool. Does nft appear?
Recently, the game board is very hot. Is there any action related to sushi?
Why is it called a trident? Is it inspired by Aquaman?
Knowing that BentoBox is a very good application, can you briefly talk about its principle?
sushi得混合池(Hybrid Pool)中可配置至多 32 种资产,随着币价得大幅波动,能否保证每种资产得流动性得稳定性和安全性
The sushi Hybrid Pool can be allocated with up to 32 assets, and with the significant fluctuations in the price of the currency, can the liquidity stability and security of each asset be guaranteed?
sushi has been very successful since the uni fork, sushi is now constantly developing in individual chains, and also constantly doing various innovations, which direction will sushi’s 5-year plan and 10-year plan take?
Does all of SushiSwap’s liquidity go to BentoBox? So there are so many other pools, will they be affected by the liquidity? Or is BentoBox a total pool?
Can sushi users experience Trident AMM this month?
What are the advantages of sushi Trident AMM over similar DEX?
What is a trident? What does it do
How much gas will Sushi save by using the trident? Most people’s priority is gas
sushi 的生态愈加多种多样,在传统金融的基础上,sushi是否能够跟紧新型金融板块?另外关于poap,他点作用除了出勤证明,是否可以让持有poap的人参与DAO治理?
Sushi’s ecology becomes more and more diversified. On the basis of traditional finance, can Sushi keep up with the new financial plate? In addition, as for POAP, it matters more than the attendance certificate. Can POAP holders participate in DAO governance?
Sushi 支持多链,相比UNI,Sushi 是否准备往其他方面发展来超越UNI。进入NFT板块,结合当下热门游戏,在元宇宙中夺得一片市场!当然,如何将DEX契合到NFT是一个关键,所以我想问问Sushi 官方有没有诸如此类的想法,并且将其提上日程。
Sushi supports multiple chains. Is Sushi ready to surpass UNI in other ways? Enter the NFT plate, combined with the current popular games, in the meta-universe to win a market! Of course, how DEX fits into NFT is key, so I wanted to ask Sushi officials if they have any ideas like that on their agenda
Sushi现在的生态很丰富,有 DEX、Kashi 、BentoBox、 MISO 和AMM Trident trident,甚至也准备推出NFT了,请问官方在高并发访问和财产安全方面有没有投入精力和资金?以后会不会推出自己的硬件钱包?
Sushi now has a rich ecology, with DEX, Kashi, BentoBox, MISO and AMM Trident trident, and even ready to launch NFT, please ask the official in the high concurrent access and property security have not invested energy and money? Will you launch your own hardware wallet in the future?
Sushi currently publishes poap whenever there is a meeting, will it airdrop to users who hold poap in the future?
Sushi Trident支持NFT交易吗?未来会推出属于自己的公链吗?
Does Sushi Trident support NFT transactions? Will you launch your own public chain in the future?
Sushi Trident 会加入目前最火爆的GAMEFI?
Will Sushi Trident join the most popular gamefi?