#5 AMA | 什么是 Sushi 的三叉戟?


It is known that sushi will have a poap badge for every ama meeting, so please ask if these badges will be used in the future? If the game comes out later will these badges come in handy?

您好 Sushi 团队,您们是否正在研究提前运行交易的解决方案?三叉戟会改善这一点吗?谢谢

Hello Sushi Team, Are you working on any solution from transaction getting front run? Will trident improve this?



Does Sushi have plans to deploy on the xDai chain in the future? Because the transactions are faster and the transaction fees are lower.

Will the trade absenteeism fee be reduced when Trident is out? It would undoubtedly be better if this item could be changed significantly. Is it true that in the future, trades will be prioritized inside those pools relative to the better ones before the upgrade?

Trident 和其他同类型的产品相比,它的优势主要有哪些?
Compared with other products of the same type, what are the main advantages of Trident?

Can imtoken make the Ruibo coin Dog Coin chain? If so, several mainstream currencies will be available. Only one wallet is enough for a mobile phone, that is, intoken

I have used the Sushi pool, I want to ask the stability for future.

什么是寿司的三叉戟?和目前市面上主流的AMA有什么区别? 最大的创新点在哪里?

What is the Trident of Sushi? What is the difference between it and the mainstream AMA on the market? Where is the biggest innovation?

I would like to ask the project owner what factors are used to make a powerful system like Trident? What are the factors that inspired the project?

What is the practicality of the trident

What is the difference between Concentrated Liquidity Pool and uniswap v3?

What is the future development direction of sushi? I can see that there are a lot of meetings in sushi now, and a lot of meeting vouchers have been issued. Will sushi empower these poaps later? In addition, how does sushi plan for NFT?

Sushi 未来会考虑做固定利率这块业务吗?
Will Sushi consider doing a fixed rate business in the future?

sushi trident就像是形容有3把锋利的剑,每一把都能够独挡一面。请问以后是否会出一份简略的攻略呢?能够让我们旷工的体验感和收益达到一个比较良好的高度呢?

sushi trident is like describing having 3 sharp swords, each one capable of blocking a side. May I ask if there will be a brief strategy in the future? Can we absenteeism experience and earnings to a relatively good height?

What is Sushi’s future development plan? Is there any convenient development of NFT?

Sushi, is there anything more to follow? Like chain tour?

sushi会有游戏板块吗? sushi池子的稳定收益来自于哪里?三叉戟的实用性是什么will sushi have a game? where does sushi steady revenue come from?what is the practicality of the trident?
