嘿!Sushi 目前已经在 20 多条链上部署了,我们追求多链策略。现在你可以在 Polygon 或 BSC 上尝试使用 Sushi!
Hi, It’s mainly because there are three Prongs for Trident.
- BentoBox’s First Native AMM Elevates Trident To New Heights
- An Expansion of Pool Type Options
- Tines: Routing Engine
We’ve covered pretty much in this article: Introducing, The Sushi Next Generation AMM: Trident | by Sushi | Sushi | Jul, 2021 | Medium
Take a look if you are interested in, and see if you still have doubts!
嗨,这主要是因为 Trident 提出了提升资本效率的三种配方,他们分别是:
基于 BentoBox 构建 Trident
路由引擎 Tines
Trident 的介绍文章:Introducing, The Sushi Next Generation AMM: Trident | by Sushi | Sushi | Jul, 2021 | Medium
Will Trident consider supporting more chains, such as bsc,ftm, etc., to expand its influence in other communitiesHi
As you can see, we’ve been working hard on multichain strategy. And for now, we support 20+ chains. As long as there’s Trident user calling, we will build for it! Stay Tuned!
你好,就像之前我们说的,Sushi 追求多链策略。目前,我们已经支持超过 20 条链了。只要大量用户有需求,我们就会努力开发!
Tyler:对于一个普通用户来说 我该如何深度的参与 sushi 未来的建设 因为我很看好 sushi 的这个项目 除了 购买代币 和添加流动性 目前没有发现其他我可以做的事 而且 sushi 大部分资料都是英语 希望以后能出点知识科普类的文章 以便我们这种想积极参与的人学习 For an ordinary user, how do I get involved in the future of sushi because I’m very optimistic about the sushi project. However I don’t see anything else I can do except buying tokens and adding liquidity.
Hi Tyler,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
If you are a $SUSHI holder, you can stake your $SUSHI to SushiBar to receive xSUSHI, in return for voting rights and a fully composable token that can interact with other protocols. Your xSUSHI is continuously compounding, when you unstake you will receive all the originally deposited SUSHI and any additional from fees.
Also, you can use the Kashi for lending and borrowing. Moreover, you can use the MISO to support new projects. Our NFT platform Shoyu is on the way too!
I’d suggest you to start with this: https://sushisimps.com/
Sushi welcomes everyone to be part of the Sushi community and contribute what you can to make it better. Maybe being a helper at Wechat is a good place to start with? Just do it!
你好 Tyler,
如果你是一个 $SUSHI 的持有者,你可以把你的 $SUSHI 质押到 SushiBar,可以拿到 xSUSHI,你就有投票权啦!你的 xSUSHI 也在不断复利,取回的时候,你会有更多的 SUSHI!
同时,你还可以用 Kashi 来借贷。可以用 MISO 来进行 IDO。我们的 NFT 交易平台 Shoyu 也在与大家见面的路上了。
Sushi 欢迎每个人成为社区的一部分,贡献 Sushi 和 Sushi 一起成长!你可以试着从帮助中国社区建设开始!重在行动,赶紧开始吧!
Yes! You got it
Tfans-df64:sushi的三叉戟的是一戟是不是:BentoBox 的第一个原生 AMM 将 Trident 提升到新的高度,第二戟是否是:池类型选项的扩展,第三戟是:尖齿(Tines):路由引擎,我是这样理解的,也不知道是不是这样的?Sushi’s Trident is a spear: BentoBox’s first native AMM elevates Trident to new heights, second Spear is an extension of pool type options, third Spear is Tines: routing engine, as I understand it, I don’t know if it is?
Yes! You got it
Yes, LevX is currently building an NFT marketplace calle Shoyu with interesting features that enhance the artist and collector experience.
当然啦!LevX 目前正在建立一个 NFT 市场:Shoyu,它有很多有趣的功能,可以提升艺术家和收藏家的创作/收藏经验。
Tfans-df64:sushi的三叉戟的是一戟是不是:BentoBox 的第一个原生 AMM 将 Trident 提升到新的高度,第二戟是否是:池类型选项的扩展,第三戟是:尖齿(Tines):路由引擎,我是这样理解的,也不知道是不是这样的?Sushi’s Trident is a spear: BentoBox’s first native AMM elevates Trident to new heights, second Spear is an extension of pool type options, third Spear is Tines: routing engine, as I understand it, I don’t know if it is?
Yes! You got it
There is mention that trident is the most efficient, do you have specific data to prove it?In this instance we are defining capital efficiency by comparison. We will have comparable features to all of our competitors as well as the added advantage of BentoBox. BentoBox is an application layer that acts as a strategy vault. The applications on top like Trident, Kashi, or MIM have access to a virtual balance. Meanwhile the tokens underlying are taken by the vault for use in strategies increasing the capital efficiency. So for example if you were to deposit into a liquidity pool ETH<>DAI the underlying ETH and DAI would actually be exercised in strategies that you would earn yield on.
资本效率是相对的。我们将拥有与所有竞争对手相当的功能,以及BentoBox 的附加优势。BentoBox 是一个应用层,作为一个战略库。上面的应用程序,如 Trident、Kashi 或 MIM,可以访问一个虚拟余额。同时底层的代币被金库拿去用于策略,提高了资本效率。因此,举例来说,如果你将 ETH<>DAI 存入流动性资金池,相关的 ETH 和 DAI 实际上会用于策略,你将获得收益。
Will sushi be deployed on the second floor? Will it be deployed on the sol chain?Hey, in Sushi, we always care about what are our users’ needs. Thus, we’ll definitely consider layer2 solutions. We’ve already deployed in Polygon. Further consideration about Arbitrum, OP and other layer 2 solutions are on the way!
在 Sushi,我们总是问自己用户想要什么。因此,我们当然在考虑 layer2 解决方案了。目前我们已经在 Polygon 上部署。之后会有更多在 Arbitrum、Optimism 等二层的计划。
Tfans-7c02:Sushi Trident 的目的是以提供资本效率和保护免受加密货币波动的影响而三管齐下来解决当中高波动的问题,但是对于这种对冲的方式,是否能长久保持Sushiswap中的稳定性,现在大部分市场上的DEX都出现了很多的解决方案,但是很多都是无法持续有效的解决问题,对于偶然的突发性高波动的情况还是无法真正做到控制,所以对于Sushi Trident ,我们的信心来源在于那些方面,或者说,有哪些杀手级的亮点能给所有的用户和Sushi的粉丝带来信心?
The purpose of Sushi Trident is to provide capital efficiency and protection from the impact of cryptocurrency volatility and solve the problem of medium-to-high volatility in a three-pronged way. However, whether this hedging method can maintain the stability of Sushiswap for a long time, it is now large There are many solutions for DEX in some markets, but many of them are unable to solve the problem continuously and effectively. It is still impossible to truly control the occasional sudden high volatility. Therefore, for Sushi Trident, our source of confidence In those aspects, or what are the killer highlights that can bring confidence to all users and fans of Sushi?Sushi Trident is not aiming to control market volatility. Sushi Trident is attempting to build a capital efficient extensible AMM product that will produce the best prices.
寿司三叉戟的目的不是为了控制市场波动,而是试图建立一个资本效率高、可扩展的 AMM 产品,从而使用户体验到最好的价格!
Sushi has many businesses, many areas of development. So is Sushi ready to move into derivatives? Dydx’s token offering last week is bound to bring the whole derivatives track along. What we do know is that the derivative racetrack doesn’t have a head yet, so can Sushi get a piece of the action?
Will sushi Trident be airdropped in the future?What else will Sushi Trident bring to users in the future?
what’s the sushi next tep? and the future
拥有三叉戟的sushi更具有优势 那么有具体的数据或者实际证明吗?比较其他竞争者
Sushi with a trident has an advantage. Is there any data or actual proof? Compare your competitors
Frank:三叉和uniswap balancer 1inch这些产品的区别是什么,怎么感觉像是这些产品的聚合?
放开来看sushi的产品还是需要用户自己去配置才能获得利益最大,sushi能否有个产品会自动的为用户博取最大资产利用率已经利益?What is the difference between trident and uniswap balancer 1inch, how does it feel like an aggregation of these products? Can sushi have a product that will automatically maximize asset utilization for the user to get the most benefit?
Sushi Trident is built on BentoBox which increases the capital efficiency of the underlying platform by a wide margin by using the underlying tokens in strategies.
We work in teams of teams and have a non-rigorous collaboration strategy. Each team has maximum oversight of their own product similar to Lean methodology.
寿司三叉戟建立在 BentoBox 上,你存入 BentoBox 中的代币会被自动用于各种策略,比如闪电贷。这使得资本的效率大大提高。
In the future, what further cooperation between Sushi and imtoken will bring surprises to fans?
imToken is one of the largest Ethereum wallet in Asia. We are the first batch DeFi projects who joined the imToken Forum. Definitely looking for more corporations to move the industry forward!
imToken 是亚洲最大的以太坊钱包之一。我们是第一批加入 imToken 论坛的 DeFi 项目。当然期待和 imToken 一起推动行业的进步!
im-0xpqy:你好 Joseph,请问Trident未来会部署在比如Avalanche Fantom Solana上吗?
Hello Joseph, will Trident be deployed on, for example, Avalanche Fantom Solana in the future?We have not solidified where our first deployment will be; currently we are considering Polygon for our first deployment before Ethereum mainnet. However, long term the goal is to deploy Trident on all networks.
目前我们还不确定最先会部署在那条链上。优先与以太坊,我们最近在考虑 Polygon。当然啦,长远的目标是希望 Trident 会被部署在所有的网络上。
Sushi 是一个由社区推动的、对用户最友好的一站式 DeFi 平台。目前 Sushi 的拼图里已经有了 DEX(多链 AMM)、Kashi 借贷和杠杆、BentoBox、众筹发行 MISO 等。
Sushi is a community-driven, one-stop DeFi platform that is the most user-friendly. Already in the Sushi puzzle are DEX (multi-chain AMM), Kashi lending and leverage, BentoBox, crowdfunding distribution MISO, and more.
Question: Will NFT be released in the future? Can it maintain a long bull stance as a Jedi comeback powerhouse? Go farther in the future?
I’m looking forward to the future direction of sushi, will it be able to move towards diversification and really get on the ground and let people experience the charm of finance?