Updated Trading Fee Structure

Tokenlon trading fees is calculated with respect to the selected trading pair. Whereas the standard trading fee is 0.3%, trading fee for stablecoins (USDT, PAX, DAI, BUSD, HUSD, USDC and TUSD) is 0.1%. Meaning 0.1% will be charged as trading fee where both base and quote tokens are stablecoins (eg: for USDT/PAX swap, 0.1% trading fee will be charged).
Note: 0.3% trading fee remains unchanged for swaps between stablecoins and other assets (eg: USDT/ETH swap).

However, since the second week of LON genesis mining, Tokenlon trading fee is now dynamically determined by users’ 30-day trading volume and LON balance. Using the above factors, the system automatically calculates the trade fee and displays the amount of tokens obtainable from a given swap accordingly. The trade interface now provides users with a modal which specifies the associated fee whenever a trade amount is entered.

Details: https://tokenlon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037260272-Fees
