#4 AMA | 带你玩转 POAP

请问怎么才能在 xDai 网络内部转移 POAP NFT而不是花费昂贵的跨链费用将其转移到 ETH主网再去转移
Please tell me how to transfer POAP NFT within the xDai network instead of spending expensive cross-chain fees to move it to the ETH main network and then transfer it?



I just want to know what is the application value of poap and what are his prospects? There are a lot of people jerking off badges like crazy, more than a thousand of them, and some don’t get them, and a lot of people still don’t know how to participate, which is not contrary to the original intention of the project.

Whether poap will take the Dao governance route in the future.

I’d like to ask the founder about the purpose of creating poap.


What is the specific role of poap and where does the value of poap currently lie? poap feels like it can be issued casually and the market is confusing.

What role will poap play in the Metaverse in the future? In addition, will poap consider profitability in the future?

Can you reply in more detail? I don’t quite understand. If you are referring to the voting function, I would like to know how it works to solve the risk I mentioned?


Hello founder, how do you see Chinese users?
Is it an injustice that POAP is now commonly used to collect POAP such as Discord/Decentraland, these applications are very inconvenient to use in China and may be limited by internet speed and network, which makes it more difficult for Chinese players to get proof of attendance than other players?Will POAP be optimized for Chinese players?
The cost of POAP created by the current project owner is from donations, how will the community solve the problem if there is a shortage of fees?
Will POAP be turned into a for-profit project in the future? If it does, what will be the direction of development? Do you want POAP to become a for-profit program?


Where can I get more information about POAP badges?


Most of the NFTs are similar now, and most of the content is vulgar. I want to know what more functional applications will be available in POPA next?

Will POAP be empowered in the future? So that it can function as a governance token, or can it perform some of the same functions as a governance token? This is a thing worth thinking about, later also need to be better into crypto finance

Hello, I just came into contact with POAP, so I didn’t fully understand the POAP badge. Want to reflect its specific value excuse me where, whether to have collect value only?


Will poap issue its own governance token like other projects in the future?


Will I have to use gas to collect the poap I get in the futu

Hello:poap badge is not supposed to make a platform can put poap badge free auction, and then give poap badge value, so better

好的, 我会帮你看一下

I really like your team. Have you considered empowering POAP in the later stage? Poap holders can participate in project voting and governance. Whitelist participation and so on

At present, it seems that anyone can issue poap, which makes many poap have no practical meaning and lose the meaning of “proof of attendance”, are you considering limiting the people or organizations who can issue poap in the future? What restrictions, if any, will be added?

POAP is very popular these days, but how can I get more poap and how do I know the better projects are worth participating in?

POAP is currently relatively single-play, what are the follow-up plans? In addition, for the current spamming and malicious collection, does the project have any corresponding measures to ensure the value of POAP?