#4 AMA | 带你玩转 POAP

imToken Fans 的朋友们还记得我们之前发放的五周年 POAP 勋章吗?POAP 是英文 Proof of Attendance Protocol(出勤证明协议)的首字母缩写,是一个以 ERC-721 为标准,以太坊开发者社区构建的开源协议。该项目在 2019 年 ETH Denver 黑客马拉松期间启动,旨在创造一种让生活经历更可靠记录的新方式。

最初 POAP 徽章都是建立在以太坊主网上, 但因为以太坊网络 GAS 费用持续增高,铸造和收发徽章都需要支付一笔高昂且未知的矿工费。为了能让更多人使用到 POAP,团队在 2020 年把 POAP 添加到了 xDAI 网络,并承担铸造和发行的费用。该项目是一个非盈利的社区项目,现阶段团队的开销来自自费和捐款。

本次我们邀请到了 POAP 的创始人 Patricio Worthalter 作为 AMA 活动的嘉宾,Patricio Worthalter 来自阿根廷,他在 2015 年就成为了 Ethereum 全职爱好者。


带你玩转 POAP


问题收集时间:2021 年 7 月 26 日 18:00 - 7 月 29 日 18:00(SGT)

活动举办时间:2021 年 7 月 29 日 18:00 - 7 月 29 日 21:00(SGT)

AMA 活动规则

大家可以把想问 Patricio Worthalter 的问题以留言的方式在本帖下方进行回复,为了让嘉宾更好地看懂大家的问题,请大家用翻译软件把中文问题翻译成英文(推荐使用 :DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator 进行翻译)。问题提问格式如下(中文+英文):


POAP 的抽奖的淘汰机制是如何想到要这样构建的?
How did POAP.fun elimination system built in this way?

本次 AMA 活动结束后,每位参与提问的朋友的在七日之内可以查看论坛账号私信信息,收到 AMA 活动 POAP 的领取链接。


  1. 复制粘贴其他用户的提问;

  2. 没有意义、充数的提问;

  3. 存在刷号的行为。


### 活动须知

(1)请提防假冒的工作人员,imToken 工作人员不会向你索要助记词、私钥等任何私密信息;



(4)活动提问奖励 POAP 将在活动结束之后的 7 个工作日之内发放;

(5)本次活动最终解释权归 imToken 所有。

如果你想了解更多关于行业动态或者相关信息,请常来 imToken Fans 论坛逛逛,在这里你可以和一群志同道合的朋友学习、探讨区块链知识。


Patricio 最开始是怎么想到要做 POAP 这个项目的?
How did Patricio first come up with the idea for the POAP project?


如何将 poap 从 xdai 链转移到以太坊主链?它的成本是多少?
How can I transfer poap from xdai chain to ethereum main chain? How much does it cost?


poap 会给支持和捐赠的人空投吗? poap未来有什么计划?

Will poap give airdrops to those who support and donate? What plans does poap have in the future?


作为一个POAP爱好者,我在近几个月已经收集了近50个POAP,当我收集这些可爱的POAP时,我发现有些人会用一些机器人来收集更多的POAP,你能告诉我你的团队用什么方法来解决这个问题,是否有效? 你有什么新的路线图用于这个很酷的项目吗?此外,我没有看到任何公开的融资信息,你能告诉我们一些你的融资情况吗?

as a fan of POAP, I have collect nearly 50 poap for a few mouths, when I collect these cute POAP, I find that some people will use some robbot to collect more than ones, can you tell me what methods do your team to solve this problems, is that works? do you have any new roudmap for this cool project? Where’s POAP headed? And at the same time, as a investment manager, I dont see any funding round info in public, can you tell us something about your funding? do you have any plan to raise fund?



Will everyone give out POaps? As a memorial

现在POAP FUN有很多的垃圾画,你有什么应用实例吗?

Now POAP FUN has a lot of garbage draws, do you have any application examples?


Currently, NFT can be traded on several websites, such as Opensea, Raible, etc., POAP is currently stored in the wallet, when can it be bought and sold on the exchange market?



Now everyone loves the POAP collection, so what other features will the POAP team add to the POAP in the future, besides collecting proof of attendance?




POAP 创始人你好,面对现在泛滥的poap市场,人人可以发行的局面,怎样用市场行为来保证他的价值?
POAP founder Hello, in the face of the now flooded Poap market, everyone can issue the situation, how to use market behavior to ensure his value?


Has the POAP team taken any measures to prevent “Sybil Attack”? if so, what are they?



How do poap badges transfer on the xdai network?



POAP badges can be used as proof of participation (including game DCl, Dis sessions). At present, many people are actively participating in obtaining badges and have witnessed the rise of POAP. In the process of participating, if you have a unique badge, will you be able to obtain some large projects in the later stage? As a basis for a reward?



Hello, founder of POAP, in the face of now more and more mature POAP, the future is not to consider issuing currency? Will the weekly Poap have value in the future?


At present, there are a lot of poap releases, which can be released by individuals and teams at will. It feels a little indiscriminate. Excuse me, founder, have you ever thought about adopting certain rules to make the release of poap more quality and value?