In the future, what further cooperation between Sushi and imtoken will bring surprises to fans?
In the future, what further cooperation between Sushi and imtoken will bring surprises to fans?
SUSHI is gradually diversifying compared to other platforms, not to uni is relatively single, but do so many can have the energy to do each item well, the ultimate goal is to become a platform of what
very good
Sushi 和uniswap的不同之处和相同之处分别是什么?混合池是否可以支持跨链?
What are the differences and similarities between Sushi and uniswap? Can hybrid pools support cross-linking?
Sushi Trident 流动性挖矿相对于其他dex有什么优势吗?
Does Sushi Trident liquidity mining have any advantages over other dex?
首先感谢团队,我想问一下关于Sushi Trident 未来的发展规划?以及它将在整个Sushi生态中承担什么作用?
First of all, thank the team, I would like to ask about the future development plan of Sushi Trident? And what role will it play in the entire Sushi ecosystem?
Sushi Triden在接下来会有NFT挖矿吗,是否会给用户空投权益
Will Sushi Triden have NFT mining next and will it give users airdrop equity
您好 Sushi Triden在接下来会向什么方向发展,跟众多竞争对手而言有什么优势?
Hello Sushi What is the next step for Triden and what are the advantages over many competitors?
The Sushi icon is designed as a trident, what does it mean and why did you think of using a trident?
Does the new NFT platform have its own token?
What about uni’s embrace of regulation? Will Sushi embrace regulation?
We all know that when it comes to bank deposits, fixed-term yields are much higher than demand. How does Trident balance maximizing returns with capital flexibility?
sushi has made innovations in many areas and added many interesting aspects in terms of functionality. For example, centralized and decentralized trading, lending, crowdfunding, NFT, etc., incorporating all the existing hot spots. So the question I would like to ask is how can we achieve a perfect integration of these features and increase their usage, popularity? What are the follow-up activities that will attract more people to join the sushi platform?
sushi有没有计划做跨链?Does Sushi plan to cross chains?
There are more and more sushi activities recently. Is it to increase popularity or is it about to launch a new section?
Shǒuxiān gǎnxiè tuánduì, wǒ guānyú shòusī sānchā jǐ wèilái de fǎ zhǎn? Wǒmen duìbǐ qítā xiàngmù dì yōushì zài nǎ
Sushi 三叉戟的设计比市面上所有AMM产品都要复杂,是否会增加用户的学习使用成本?
The design of Sushi Trident is more complicated than all Current AMM products. Will it increase the user’s learning cost?
When will I be able to trade my NFT on Shoyu?
sushi是众所周知的强大。现在推出trident三叉戟,很多人都非常看好,后续还会推出哪些板块?Sushi is well-known and powerful. Now that trident is launched, many people are very optimistic about it. Which sections will be launched in the future?
How much gas can sushi save by using trident and how much improvement in speed?