#5 AMA | 什么是 Sushi 的三叉戟?

Sushi is developing a low-cost version. Can this low-cost version be directly connected to ens when deployed on Ethereum?


Based on whether sushi has the possibility to enter decentraland, I think it is a good choice for sushi to join


Sushi is now facing the competition from lv2swap. What strategies do you have. In addition, for users holding sushi mortgage, the incentive is not enough. What are the plans?

Will Trident consider opening fast access to the pool for new coins with high hot spots?


When will sushi launch the NFT section?


As far as I know, some other protocols have similar concepts, so what are the features of Sushi Trident compared to other competing products?


What does sushi Trident do to Dex? What about privacy and security

What is sushi’s biggest advantage and how to grow in competition?

sushi的三叉戟的是一戟是不是:BentoBox 的第一个原生 AMM 将 Trident 提升到新的高度,第二戟是否是:池类型选项的扩展,第三戟是:尖齿(Tines):路由引擎,我是这样理解的,也不知道是不是这样的?Sushi’s Trident is a spear: BentoBox’s first native AMM elevates Trident to new heights, second Spear is an extension of pool type options, third Spear is Tines: routing engine, as I understand it, I don’t know if it is?


In which section will the next move of sushi work? At present, there are more and more DEX and more and more tricks to play. I still like sushi very much in terms of use, but just like the layout of uni on the second-tier network, does sushi have such a plan next?



Sushi Trident将来还有哪些应用准备推出?
What other applications of Sushin Trident are ready to be launched in the future?

Hello, we all know that uni, as the leader of DEX, has developed very well. I would like to ask sushi how to improve the trading volume and sushi market value, so that more people can join in and seize the market share. What special development plans can make sushi stand out in the future?

How does Sushiswap guarantee the certainty of returns when the trading risk exposure is large?

Sushi 能够凭借Trident超越uni 吗?Sushi最终是否会和Uni殊途同归呢?
Can Sushi overtake Uni with Trident, and will Sushi end up in the same boat as Uni?


Sushi Trident三叉戟未来的突破口在哪里,目前来说很多项目都在发行自己的nft,但是真正做到像punk一样强大的,每个nft都有独立的IP,还是有点难度,毕竟市场就那么多,如果没有特别的优势,很难持久战胜,此刻Sushi Trident能够和TokenFans社区深度合作和交流,希望能擦出火花,让早期参与的朋友见证这一刻
Sushi Trident Trident future breakthrough where, at present, many projects are issuing their own nft, but really as strong as punk, each nft has a separate IP, or a little difficult, after all, the market is so much, if there is no special advantage, it is difficult to persistently overcome, at this moment Sushi Trident can and TokenFans community in-depth cooperation and communication, hope to rub a spark, so that the early participation of friends to witness this moment


What does Sushi think of Uniswap, is it you guys doing a good job, or is it them
