#5 AMA | 什么是 Sushi 的三叉戟?


Sushi has deployed products on multiple chains. It can be seen that they have been working diligently, but still can’t shake the position of the boss uni. Will there be any surprises in innovation in the future?

What is the biggest feature of sunshi in one word?

Sushi is an efficient multi-hop, multi-path switching router. When the transaction volume is large, will it cause network congestion and transaction failure? If the corresponding transaction fails, what should I do?

[quote=“Tfans-5789, post:22, topic:38573, full:true”]
Sushi Trident今后的发展目标是什么?
What are the future development goals of Sushi Trident?
[/Sushi Trident今后的发展目标是什么?
What are the future development goals of Sushi Trident?

Sushi’s trident is very difficult to understand for New Leek. Can you explain it to the little whites in simpler and more vivid language here? So Xiaobai can seize the opportunity。
Sushi 的三叉戟对于新韭菜来说,非常难以理解。可以在这里用比较浅显易懂又比较生动形象的语言来给小白们解释的一下吗?这样小白才能抓住其中的机会




Hybrid Pools Why only up to 32 assets are supported


What are Sushi’s plans for NFT?


What are the advantages of Sushi for similar products?

SushiHow to look at the NFT market



The design of Trident is really exquisite. Where will innovation continue in the future? Does sushiswap have a bigger vision?

Sushi: What is sushi thinking about the development of the meta-universe? Is there any plan to enter Gamefi? To swim?
sushi对于元宇宙的发展是怎么考虑的,是否有打算进军gamefi. 链游?

三叉和uniswap balancer 1inch这些产品的区别是什么,怎么感觉像是这些产品的聚合?

What is the difference between trident and uniswap balancer 1inch, how does it feel like an aggregation of these products? Can sushi have a product that will automatically maximize asset utilization for the user to get the most benefit?


sushi has achieved a certain first-mover advantage, but in the face of so many challengers, what are the plans for a differentiated development in the future, and have you considered the model of linking games NFT to further expand market share?


Sushi has a very active community and I regularly participate in AMA events on Discord and Twitter, I think most Chinese people have limited English skills, is Sushi considering setting up an official localised operations team in China

How will you manage the project and token to gain a place in the market and become a best token in the blockchain world?

sushi作为大家熟知的平台,有自己平台币,有自己完整交易平台,im和sushi在哪些地方合作?以及以后对于三叉有啥影响?sushi as a familiar platform, has its own platform coin, has its own complete trading platform, im and sushi in which places to cooperate? What are the implications for trident in the future?