#6 AMA | YGG 如何让你「边玩边赚」?

Is the ygg game difficult? Is there any information for newbies? Want to study

Hello, whether ygg will be the top three in the future, this is everyone’s concern

Can you tell me if this is newbie friendly? Is it easy to get started? Can it attract people to participate and expand quickly? Also, how is the user stickiness? Thank you.

在游戏和 NFT 方面,哪个更注重开发?还是他们齐头并进?赠送的徽章以后会有空投福利吗还是有其他想法?
Which is more focused on development in terms of games or NFT? Or do they go hand in hand? Will the badges given away have airdrop benefits later or are there other ideas?

ygg除了关注区块链游戏和元宇宙NFT这块,未来有没有准备布局广泛的应用,如defi,借贷协议等,以后的主要定位在哪里。 In addition to focusing on blockchain games and meta-universe NFT, is yGG prepared to lay out a wide range of applications in the future, such as DEFI, loan agreement, etc., and where will the main positioning be in the future?




Is the revenue of the game a dynamic revenue, and will the game union add leverage in the process of using it to expand the revenue?
How does the union work now, do you manually play the game to earn money and then transfer the earnings to the contract address, or do you earn money completely manually and distribute the earnings manually?
What is the form of distribution of these earnings, how much is the operating cost and how much is the on-chain cost, and how to ensure all the processes are scientific and reasonable?
Why choose DAO, make your own money to earn their own bad? What is the idea here?


There is another question, will ygg develop its own games?

Darf ich fragen: Wann wird YGG an der Börse sein? Zum Beispiel Firecoin, Kryptowährung, ok, usw.?


  • Do you think future movies will show up in Gamefi? Is it possible to combine virtual reality with blockchain? What’s next for Gamefi?

How long do you think Gamefi will last? Is it possible that Gamefi will be monopolized by unions in the future? And how should newcomers get involved in the game?

Many people in the ygg community pay attention to it. Everyone knows that ygg is a game community, so I want to know if it is really possible to make money through the community? I believe that many people are interested in this topic. thanks.


Everything is risky how does ygg avoid risk and who bears the losses that occur?
For a game that needs to win you have to choose people who know and have talent, how does ygg select the staff, how do you standardize their training, how do you ensure that they have professional ethics to ensure that they do not enrich themselves?
Many games recognize developers as studios that can affect the balance of the game and disturb the price of game currency. If game developers propose sanctions against ygg, what are ygg’s countermeasures and how will ygg deal with the losses incurred if the sanctions are finally imposed? Does it have full risk prevention ability.

What plans does YGG union have for the future? Which game projects are you going to play? What are the benefits of union members?

在如今区块链盛行的今天,GameFI 十分的火热,如今YGG作为创新者,使广大玩家热情激增,希望在真正地实施过程中保证用户的安全和权益
In today’s blockchain prevalent, GameFI is very hot, now YGG as an innovator, so that the majority of players enthusiasm surge, hope that in the real implementation process to ensure the safety and rights of users

axie 边玩边赚日收入是多个代币?How many tokens does axie earn daily income while playing?

YGG看好gala games发展吗?Is YGG optimistic about the development of gala games?

What knowledge do I need to acquire if I want to join blockchain game production?

Whether the game is considering supporting bsc chains and polygon chains
