#6 AMA | YGG 如何让你「边玩边赚」?

最近元宇宙概念在区块链行业颇受瞩目,一款叫 Axie Infinity 的区块链游戏风靡东南亚地区,部分当地人由于疫情的关系失去了工作,他们通过玩这款游戏赚取日常生活所需的费用,甚至超过了之前上班时的工资。

边玩边赚(Play-To-Earn)创造了一个良性循环,玩家因所玩游戏的成长而获得利益回报。有观点认为,2021 年下半年是属于区块链游戏的半年。

本周我们联合 YGG 举办 AMA 活动,希望可以给 imToken Fans 社区的朋友们,带来更多关于链游、元宇宙相关的话题讨论和优质内容。

YGG 简介:

Yield Guild Games (YGG)是一个去中心化的自治组织(DAO),致力于投资基于区块链游戏和元宇宙的优质 NFT。

YGG 的使命是组建最大的虚拟世界经济,优化其社区拥有的资产并实现最大效用,并与代币持有人分享利润。

目前 YGG 已经和 Axie Infinity, The Sandbox, ZED RUN, Guild of Guardians, Illuvium, League Of Kingdoms, Splinterlands 等区块链游戏达成合作。



本期嘉宾是 YGG 的联合创始人兼 CEO Gabby Dizon,Gabby 是游戏行业的资深人士,他自 2003 年以来一直从事游戏行业,力图在游戏行业和区块链世界之间架起桥梁。


YGG 如何让你「边玩边赚」?


问题收集时间:2021 年 8 月 10 日 18:00 - 8 月 12 日 18:00(SGT)

活动举办时间:2021 年 8 月 12 日 20:00 - 21:30(SGT)

AMA 活动规则

大家可以把想问的问题以留言的方式在本帖下方进行回复,为了让嘉宾更好地看懂大家的问题,请大家用翻译软件把中文问题翻译成英文(推荐使用:DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator 进行翻译)。问题提问示例如下(中文+英文):


  • 你对区块链游戏创业者有什么建议或者说思考?
  • What advice or thoughts do you have for blockchain game entrepreneurs?


  • 奖励一:按照规范提问的朋友将获得 YGG & imToken 联名 POAP 勋章;
  • 奖励二:在提问的朋友中,会由嘉宾选取 5 位,每人送出一只 Axies 小精灵。

图片来源:Mystic Axies: Jewels For A Digital Age | by Axie Infinity | Axie Infinity | Medium


  1. 复制粘贴其他用户的提问;
  2. 没有意义、充数的提问;
  3. 存在刷号的行为。





(4)活动提问奖励将在活动结束后的 7 个工作日之内发放;

(5)本次活动最终解释权归 imToken 所有。

如果你想了解更多关于行业动态或者相关信息,请常来 imToken Fans 论坛逛逛,在这里你可以和一群志同道合的朋友相互探讨学习区块链知识。


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  • 1(完全不想参加)

0 投票者


中文:在 SNOW CRASH 和电影《头号玩家》里,我们都看到了「元宇宙」世界丰富多彩、繁荣昌盛,但现实世界破败不堪,经济萧条的一面。目前有一个新词叫「精神鸦片」,人们在虚拟世界得到了精神需求的充分满足,从而降低了对现实物质、物理世界的需求和贡献。YGG 作为投资区块链游戏和元宇宙的组织,是如何看待这一问题的?我们该如何防止 SNOW CRASH 或《头号玩家》那种场景的产生?如何体现科技的人文关怀?

EN:We saw the colorful and prosperous side of the “Metaverse” world in the book SNOW CRASH and the movie Ready Player One, but the rundown and economically depressed side of the world.
There is a new term called “spiritual opium”, where people get their spiritual needs fully satisfied in the virtual world, thus reducing their needs and contributions to the real material, physical world.
As a blockchain games and “Metaverse” Ventures:

  • What do you think about the above problem?
  • How do we prevent the creation of a SNOW CRASH or Ready Player One kind of scenario?
  • How can we reflect the humanism of technology?

It can be said that YGG has single-handedly promoted this round of GameFi’s boom, how do you think about GameFi’s model? How do you think GameFi can maintain a good and sustainable development in the world of blockchain so that investors and players (gold playing members) can have a continuous benefit income?


如何看待Play To Earn的未来发展,在元宇宙的概念里虚拟世界当中的这种“劳动”和“回报”会否改变我们人类未来的工作、生活方式,挣钱的方法是否会被颠覆?

How do you see the future development of Play To Earn? Will this kind of “work” and “reward” in the virtual world change the way we work and live in the future, and will the way of earning money be overturned in the concept of metaverse?

The meta-universe gaming guild concept ygg was the first to coin cex and has a good economic model, but how does this gaming guild’s economic model work better on tokens? Or, “What’s the next stop in play mode?”


如何看待Play To Earn的未来发展,在元宇宙的概念里虚拟世界当中的这种“劳动”和“回报”会否改变我们人类未来的工作、生活方式,挣钱的方法是否会被颠覆

大家提问注意中文+英文的格式,否则无法获得 POAP 徽章。


Will blockchain games disrupt traditional games? How can blockchain be popularized? Does play-to-earn create value quickly?


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Many people in the ygg community pay attention to it. Everyone knows that ygg is a game community, so I want to know if it is really possible to make money through the community? I believe that many people are interested in this topic. thanks.


I would like to know what is the biggest problem YGG is currently experiencing? How do you plan to solve this problem?


Will YGG empower NFT members?Or is it just a memorial?

如何得到YGG,YGG未来的计划是什么?如何确定它的价值?How to get YGG, what is YGG’s future plan? How to determine its value