#6 AMA | YGG 如何让你「边玩边赚」?

I would like to ask what is the purpose of the project and what challenges are facing now?

Will YGG’s games be developed on other chains in the future? Which public chain will you choose?

如何看待Play To Earn的未来发展,在元宇宙的概念里虚拟世界当中的这种“劳动”和“回报”会否改变我们人类未来的工作、生活方式,挣钱的方法是否会被颠覆

How to view the future development of play to earn? In the concept of meta universe, will this “labor” and “return” in the virtual world change our future work and life style, and will the method of making money be subverted


What hematopoietic function does YGG have, what activity does follow still have?

I have not played your game, how do you make a profit on your game, users can rely on the game to make a profit? If your game is attractive, then I think I’ll be your user and promote it

→It feels that the production standard of blockchain games is rather bad, the style is biased towards the level of web games 10 years ago, the game type is single, and the overall playability, fun, openness, and freedom of blockchain games are not up to the standard of the meta-world. Although you can make money by playing games, the whole process is boring, lack of fun and poor experience, which is difficult to attract more users and general public, and is not conducive to the sustainable development of GameFi. What do you think GameFi will do next to improve this aspect?

What economic model does YGG have

Can YGG gurantee that members will earn money by playing games?If so,how can it be done?


Have you considered the governance of tokens and relevant plans?



What makes YGG valuable is the reason for its empowerment? Will such energy be consumed? How to keep it stable and share it with more people in need?


I have an YGG badge, I asked what will happen to the future? Will not hold the badge vacancy


There are many meta-universe-concept products on the market. Some have been cultivated for many years, and some have just emerged this year. From the perspective of the number of users, many new-star products have surpassed the old-brand products, but if it comes from the user experience Look, many rookie products are not as good as old-fashioned products that have been cultivated for many years. How do you find a balance in this project?


ygg提倡边玩边赚,为什么 YGG 将能够从这种现象级机遇中受益最多?以后还考考虑加入其他什么区块链游戏吗?
Ygg advocates earning while playing, why would YGG benefit the most from this phenomenal opportunity? Will you consider joining any other blockchain Games in the future?





For game guilds to thrive, they need to support and develop more games, so which one or type of game will YGG Guild focus on next?


How to get YGG, what is YGG’s future plan? How to determine its value? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


YGG’s POAP is very beautiful, will it be given value in the future?


想要YGG徽章,大家都有,我也想有,但是不知道拿了有什么用?Want a YGG badge, everyone has, I also want to have, but do not know what use to take?


I would like to know what is the biggest problem YGG is currently experiencing? How do you plan to solve this problem?


Will YGG develop in the direction of physical applications?