#7 AMA| Dai 你全面了解 MakerDAO



How Maker’s algorithm for keeping Dai’s price at $1 at all times will prevent hacking and how Dai will keep its value stable if there is a massive collapse of user pledged tokens like there was in March 2020.

Wallet address.


Does MKR have any plans to split up?

MakerDAOWill you do cross-linking and do you have any plans to do so?

面对市面上总是出现黑客事件, 组织对此有什么规划或者应对措施?如何去保证大众的资产安全?

What is the organization’s plan or response to the constant hacking incidents in the market? How to ensure the security of public assets?

钱包地址: 0x9F3069878135DF3f57dA06F761474F3CDffb1703



What are makerdao’s plans in the NFT direction? And how is cross chain set?



Compound about to be layer 1, 2, and 3 could we be expecting Maker to do the same also?

wallet address: 0x9a2467De39C8a58C0a9bF1b268019767E3421186

My question:

作为以加密货币为担保的稳定币,MakerDAO除了往借贷和抵押的方向发展之外,是否正在考虑进入新的领域,发展自己的交易平台和NFT市场? 目前,相关概念的项目层出不穷。 团队如何看待明年的稳定币抵押市场?

As a stable currency secured by cryptocurrency, MakerDAO is considering entering new fields and developing its own trading platform and NFT market in addition to its development in the direction of lending and mortgage? At present, projects with related concepts are emerging one after another. How does the team view the stablecoin mortgage market in the next year?

Wallet address: 0x5D46ed7405A8A87492cd139fcd38BCE60CB5030E


Now there are corresponding stable coins on various chains, usdt, usdc, husd, busd, etc. How does dai gain a place among these stable coins, and in addition, what are the application scenarios of dai? How is the ecology? What is the future development direction and route?
wallet address:


Hello friend, is there any advantage between DAI and USDT, is there any competition between stablecoins, what is the advantage of DAI compared to other stablecoins


亲爱的Jocelyn Chang,DAI相比其它稳定币有何不同?在安全方面有什特点?
Dear Jocelyn Chang, how is DAI different from other stablecoins? What are the characteristics in terms of security?


At present, the homogenization of defi market is becoming more and more serious. How can makerdao better realize differentiated competition? Where is the core competitiveness in the future?


很高兴 Jocelyn Chang 嘉宾的到来,也感谢举办方的这次活动的组织!

对于以太坊上最大的去中心化自治组织MakerDAO,很早就有关注,希望这次的沟通能让我们能更加坚定信心,同时也有几个问题请教Jocelyn Chang:

1.Dai 作为以太访加密货币抵押的稳定币,对比其他稳定币有什么优势,如USDT等?同时MakerDAO为稳定币价做了哪些工作?

2.2020 年至今的 DeFi 非常火,但是最近的黑客攻击事件给很多投资者敲响了警钟,MakerDAO在资金安全方面有什么应对措施以及新的思考?



It was great to have Jocelyn Chang as our guest, and thanks to the organizers for organizing this event!

We have been interested in MakerDAO, the largest decentralised autonomous organisation on Ether, for a long time and hope that this talk will help us to have more confidence:

  1. What are the advantages of Dai as a stable coin collateralized by Ether visit cryptocurrency compared to other stable coins, such as USDT? What has MakerDAO done to stabilize the price of the coin?

  2. DeFi is very hot in 2020 so far, but the recent hacking incident has sounded the alarm for many investors. What are MakerDAO’s countermeasures and new thoughts on capital security?

  3. MakerDAO’s Dai is undoubtedly a success, has it considered expanding into other areas, such as the recent hot NFT, meta-universe, etc., and what are the plans for the later stages?

Lastly, MakerDAO is quite a good decentralised organisation, can you share your insights and suggestions on how to operate after decentralisation?


亲爱的Jocelyn Chang,不得不说,稳定币已经深刻改变了数字货币的格局。但稳定币真的稳定吗?如果稳定币整体虚发30%,也就是说,100亿稳定币其实只有70亿美金储备,那今天比特币虽然交易价格为现在点水平,但是理论上却不值。这中间的差价,是由稳定币信用撑起来的,很多人看不透价格后面的真相。如何控制稳定币?如果稳定币崩盘,毫无疑问整个市场将会随着崩溃

Dear Jocelyn Chang, it has to be said that stablecoins have profoundly changed the digital currency landscape.But is stablecoin really stable? If 30% of the stablecoins were fake, that is, if 10 billion stablecoins were actually only $7 billion in reserves, then bitcoin would be trading at today’s level, but theoretically not worth it. The difference in price, which is supported by stablecoin credit, is something that a lot of people don’t see behind the price. How do I control stablecoin? If stablecoin crashes, there is no doubt that the entire market will collapse with it

Wallet address:


What opportunities does Makerdao have for the rest of us? What about security?

wallet address:0x279630304eca93c692e0f26870def510439a0c5b


Hello guests, we all know about the mechanism of makerdao. I would like to ask a question here. A stable coin is an irreplaceable role in virtual currency, but I am here to question whether the issuance of stable tokens will really be a 1:1 pledged US dollar as the official said? I think many friends are very interested. thank you

What are the unique features of Dai and other stablecoins such as USDT, USDC and BUSD?

Apart from the great potential of Dai on Ether and the XDai sidechain, what other Layer2 deployments will Dai have in the future?

How can you contribute a little to the MakerDao community?


目前,我社区中有些人不知道 DAI。所以我认为提高对DAI的认知很重要,让更多人了解MAKERDAO和DAI,你们是否有计划去做这方面的事?如果有,有哪些计划呢?
Currently, some people in my community don’t know DAI. So I think it is very important to improve the awareness of DAI and let more people know about MAKERDAO and DAI. Do you have any plans to do this? If so, what are the plans?
钱包地址: 0xa7462472aE2523f2ef0022690F6f891CBA6Ee94C

How does MarkerDao view algorithmic stablecoins?

Do MakerDAO believe in the voting choices of the community under major decisions, and what measures will be taken if you don’t want to believe it?


