Hey,did you receive your UNI?

Exchange on Tokenlon to participate in Uniswap UNI mining

An initial Uniswap liquidity mining program has started with below pools on Unisawp v2:


Please note that all the above pairs are supported on Tokenlon. If you hold BTC, you could convert your BTC to WBTC with a few clicks by visiting GTO dapp in the Market screen.

How to convert BTC to WBTC in one click

If you have used Uniswap before September 1, you can now claim your UNI within your imToken wallet.

If you run into any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]


Digital Assets are highly volatile and unpredictable. Please do your research before trading.

Your Tokenlon Team,


Good job!


Not yet deposited in my wallet


Im not ricived uni

​According to the Uniswap official annoucement, if you have made a transction or provided the liquidity on Uniswap before 1 Sept, you related ETH address could claim free UNI. If not, then you couldn’t.

If you made a transaction or provided liquidity on Uniswap via imToken and you wanna to get your UNI, you need open imToken and go to the 「Browser」page find 「Uniswap」DApp,then open it and click the button on the bottom right corner. Then you will see 「Claim UNI」

​If you meet any problems while you’re claiming UNI you could turn to Uniswap official discord for help.


If you have used Uniswap even if the transaction was failed before 1st Sep but still don’t see 400 UNI claimable then makesure you check your all Eth addresses associated with your wallet.



buena información


I cannot receive UNI Check In

Not receive