#4 AMA | 带你玩转 POAP

如何分发 POAP 给过去的活动?例如,我们是否可以将 POAP 分发给参与了去年一个活动的参与者?

How can POAP be used in events that have already been held? For example, can I distribute POAP to participants who attended a last year’s event?


I would like to ask that many people now start to collect poap, but some people use robots, or maliciously collect them. What does the official think about this matter? Is there any solution? thanks.

As for now, POAP project has Admin Privilege Right, which seems some kind of “Centralized” . When and how will poap evolve into a decentralized project?


你好Patricio Worthalter,我是一名POAP收集爱好者,我非常热衷于收集各种好看好玩的poap,目前已经收集了差不多100个poap。
Hi Patricio Worthalter, I’m a POAP collector, I’m very passionate about collecting all kinds of nice and funny poap, and I’ve collected almost 100 poap so far.
First of all, I would like to thank your team for developing this product and I would like to know if you have more plans for the future. I would like to know if you have more plans for the future, because currently POAP only has the collection game, will you add financial games such as DEFI, trading, lending, etc.?


Hello, what are the application scenarios included in the poap badge?
And when will the official tokens be made for funding? Thank you! :joy:

Hello, what are the application scenarios included in the poap badge?
And when will the official tokens be made for funding? Thank you!

Poap casting is convenient and low-cost, which is good, but many of the poap cast nowadays are used as drainage tools by some users. I think this violates the meaning of poap. What do you think of the founder?


I just came across POAP and received some badges, but I have read some instructions about POAP badges during this time, but I still don’t understand what is the specific application of POAP badges and what is the value for the chain, I hope I can answer, thanks.


你好, Patricio!我在创建POAP徽章时收到了邮件,然后就没有后续引导了,一直在等待。我想问的是,针对创建POAP是否有计划改善流程,目的是给创建者更多权限控制POAP,这样可以给社群用户更好的体验。

Hi Patricio!
I got the email when I created the POAP badge and then there was no follow up guide, I’ve been waiting. I was wondering if there are plans to improve the process for creating POAPs, with the aim of giving the creator more control over the POAP, so as to give the community a better experience.

What new era will Poap bring digital currency into in the future?

poap boss hello, poap badge undoubtedly now there are a lot of made into a collectible and commemorative badge, delicate and beautiful, but now there are a large part of people do not understand, even do not know how to get more poap, and how to display in their wallets, please ask what better way to let everyone to understand poap, let more people like to collect poap badge to expand them, so that poap is better to let everyone spread the word!

Poap said that it is a non-profit project, but not all poap weekly paintings have been auctioned?





What is the poap discovery mechanism? Now the market is flooded with all kinds of poap issues, how to reflect its value? does poap have any future coin issuance plans?

Will poap have more plans in the future to make poap more valuable?


Is there any additional value to POAP besides memorial value? Will it be used for defI later?



我发布了 po ap 但是一直没有收到代码回复,有什么条件吗?
I released poap but never received a code reply. Is there any condition?


I saw the administrator on Poap’s discord official server saying that they planned to issue coins and airdropped some poap before March this year, and then cancelled them. Why is there a plan to issue coins? Why was it cancelled later?

Can POAP be applied to all kinds of tickets?

我是一个POAP的收藏者,我喜欢参与各种活动去收集POAP。在收集过程中,我发现了一些问题,其中有一个我自己最担心的问题想要咨询一下 : POAP的活动,任何组织/个人都可以创建。后台里描述页面可以随意添加网址,如果这里面有钓鱼网站或者恶意网站,那么会有让用户完成损失的风险。这些网址POAP团队是否会进行审核?同时,关于规避此类风险方面,POAP的核心团队是否有什么好办法或者措施?

I am a POAP collector and I like to participate in events to collect POAP. in the process of collecting POAP, I found some problems and one of my own most worrying problem I want to consult : POAP events can be created by any organization/individual. The description page in the background can add URLs at will, and if there are phishing sites or malicious sites in this, then there is a risk of letting users complete the loss. Will these URLs be reviewed by the POAP coreteam? Also, do the core team of POAP have any good methods or measures to avoid such risks?
