#4 AMA | 带你玩转 POAP

The official plan to open a special trading poap place?

What is the time planning of POAP, what are the prospects for POAP, and what are the similarities and differences between it and NFT.

您好Patricio Worthalter,众所周知POAP 在 2019 年 ETHDenver 黑客马拉松期间启动,是一个非盈利的社区项目,目前团队的开销都是自费和接收捐款而来,那么,POAP现今已是一个相对靠谱过硬而知名的项目了,如果进行一次融资是完全有条件的,融资可以提升项目团队更好高效运营,而POAP为什么不尽快进行一次融资呢?

Hello Patricio Worthalter, as we all know POAP was launched during the 2019 ETHDenver hackathon and is a non-profit community project, currently the team’s expenses are self-funded and receive donations, so POAP is now a relatively reliable and well-known project, if a financing is fully qualified, financing can improve the project team to operate more efficiently, and why POAP does not raise a funding as soon as possible?

It aims to create a new way to record life experiences more reliably. What does this new way create value through?

There are too many different kinds of microchapters on the poap platform, how to plan or govern these

Many poap passwords spread very quickly, so that the real users’ interests cannot be guaranteed. What do you think of this problem?
很多poap密码传播速度很快,无法保证真实用户的利益。 你怎么看这个问题?

The present is just proof of attendance. Is there any other proof in the future? Or is there a more concise and intuitive way to present the information description or link address associated with your attendance certificate?

Does poap have any plans to issue coins? If it does, will it give coins to backers who have donated on gitcoin?


I donated more than $1 to the poap project with both wallets in gitcoun’s Round 10 donation campaign, why didn’t I receive a poap badge?


1.Where the badges from the POAP be traded?
2.Will POAP issue Tokens in the future?

如何能将POAP vote和POAP fun结合起来,比如我只想让一些投了特定票的POAP地址参与抽奖。
How to combine the POAP vote and POAP fun?For example, I just want some specific POAP voters to join the POAP ruffle.

How does POAP reflect its value, or where is its further application space?

Does the poap official plan to launch an online anti cheating mechanism in the future?


Will poap empower entities in the future?

我的理解poap就是某个事件的在场证明,但是这并不特别,以太坊的合约同样可以做到。那么怎样彰显poap的独特价值呢?My understanding of poap is the proof of presence of an event, but it’s not special, the same can be done with Ether contracts. So how to show the unique value of poap?

poap has no plans to issue governance tokens


I found that some poaps can vote, like DAO. Will poaps have their own tokens in the future? Go and vote.


嘉宾你好,你是怎么看待希望靠poap 发财的人的?

Hi Guest, how do you feel about people who want to make a fortune from poap?
How did you come up with the idea of creating poap in the first place?
How does the poap community differentiate between bots and actual users, and is there a way to deal with them if they are mistaken?
What would you do if a competing product appeared?

@imToken-Evelyn 希望社区可以把这些注册小于一天且NFT小于0的用户排除奖励发放。


poap的初衷是参会证明,可是现在机器人代码满天飞,没有参与的人都能轻松获得。 甚至有些开会的徽章,为了获得,人们开电脑早早的开始挂机了,他们也听不懂,为了获得徽章,听不懂也在那个频道干看着。 这是为了什么,poap该怎么解决这些问题。
The original intention of poap was to prove the participation, but now the robot code is flying all over the sky, and people who are not participating can easily get it. Even for some badges for meetings, people turned on their computers and hung up early in order to get them, and they couldn’t understand them. In order to get badges, they didn’t understand and they watched them on that channel. What is this for, and how does poap solve these problems.


At present, everyone can participate in poap casting. This will reduce the scarcity of poap badges. Are there any restrictions?